Why Latin?

Fr. Jason Barone (Priest in Residence at St. Ann Catholic Church in Charlotte) spoke on the importance of the Latin language on February 1, 2017 for the Charlotte Latin Mass Community’s Latin Mass Class series.

Fr. Barone discussed the need to set aside things as sacred for the worship of God, including languages.  A non-vernacular language (Latin) is also  form of veiling that helps reveal the mystery of God.  He also referenced Pope St. John XXIII’s Apostolic Constitution, Veterum Sapientia (the promotion of the study of Latin) of 1962 which holds Latin as the primary language for the Church.

Technical Note:  Although the talk is included in its entirety, due to technical error the video was lost for part of the talk. During this time audio along with images were inserted to fill the gap. No content was lost but the sound quality may be different during this segment.


Additional Resources:

Mp3 version of the talk


Treasure and Tradition, the Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass by Lisa Bergman

The Mass in Slow Motion, by Rev. Ronald Knox

Apostolic Constitution – Veterum Sapientia (on the study of Latin), Pope St. John XXIII, 1962